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Stay in the Know

We work hard to get our efforts noticed by the media and are so proud when this goal comes to fruition. A well-informed community is an empowered one as well, so take a look at some of the latest coverage we’ve received below and help spread the word about all the amazing developments at SAPID Ghana.



June 9, 2019

SAPID Ghana in its quest to advocate and sensitize the general public on the rights of all PWIDDs and kick out all forms of discrimination and stigmatization, SAPID Ghana seeks to train PWIDDs in some vocational skills which are beadwork, sewing, and baking. Currently, SAPID Ghana is training twelve (12) PWIDDs with all these skills except baking. Nine (9) out of the twelve (12) beneficiaries are undergoing beadwork only whiles the remaining three (3) are under both beadwork and sewing.

This initiative is to help PWIDDs not to feel neglected or rejected in society and also contribute their quota to the development of the nation, their families, and themselves in general.

The vocational skill training is funded and​ supported by CAF America. The project which commenced in September 2020 has seen the trainees doing exceptionally well and have made some products that are available on our online shop. Buying any product is a way you say that, "you love us, you believe in our potential and talents, and for that matter, you would want to buy our products to support and encourage us in our efforts to make impactful changes in our lives.


June 9, 2019

Kissi is a farming community in Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrim (KEEA) District of the Central Region of Ghana. The community has a total population of about ...... and has an IDD population of about forty (40) people. Kissi is surrounded by Elimina and Komenda.
SAPID Ghana introduced "Best Buddies" to the people of Kissi. The Best Buddies initiative was to create social awareness and demystify the narration about PWIDDs. The initiative seeks to create a platform and opportunity for abled individuals to get closer and make friends with PWIDDs in their communities and include them in their day-to-day activities. We believe that when this happens, parents and families of PWIDDs will gain back their courage, composure, and acceptance in these communities and as a result, save the lives of individuals yearly in the Central region of Ghana.
SAPID Ghana organized outdoor activities that the engagement of the Kissi Community, Parent Self-Help Groups (PSHGs), PWIDDs, The Cape Coast Chapter of the Ghana Girls Guide, members of the Scout from Cape Coast, and the Assembly Member for Kissi. Some of the activities that took place were; a sack race, lime on spoon, musical chairs, and other interesting events.

News: News
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