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Board Of Directors


Mary Prudence Osei


Mary Osei is a Special Needs Educator. It is her joy to see PWIDDs in social and community participation. She is one of the brains behind the establishment of SAPID Ghana. She was also one of the founding members of Inclusion Ghana. She is a strong advocate for the intellectually disabled.
She had her maiden teacher training education from St. Theresa's Training College. She continued to pursue her Bachelor's and Masters Degree in Special education from the University of Education, Winneba. She also holds a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cape Coast.
Mary is currently the headmistress of Aboom Unit School for Special Needs which she started with help from some local and international bodies. Members of this school are one of the many beneficiaries of SAPID Ghana. She is using the knowledge and experience acquired over the years in teaching and caring for PWIDDs to make SAPID Ghana a home where PWIDDs find hope, comfort, self-confidence, and independence and acquire employability skills as a result of our impact and the many life-transforming services SAPID Ghana provides.


Bridget Edem Agbozo


Bridget Edem Agbozo is an advocate for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities(PWIDDs). She is interested in the full inclusion of PWIDDs in societies and she has been part of projects that create awareness and help fight against discrimination and stigmatization of PWIDDs. She loves to engage herself in medical screening for PWIDDs and the less privileged, health service diagnostics as well as scientific research and publishing.

Bridget received her education at Accra Technical University with a Bachelor of Technology in Analytical Chemistry and an HND in Science Laboratory Technology.


She is hardworking and diligent and loves to find solutions to challenges she finds herself in. She is intellectually curious and has undertaken some research of which one has been published in the BMC Research Notes.


Bridget is helping the beneficiaries of SAPID Ghana with her passion and experience from working with patients and medical laboratories.

It is her desire to continue caring for PWIDDs by going into intervention studies, molecular and mechanism studies and degenerative disorders. 


Frank Musa Dahamani


A competent professional teacher who can be trusted, with even the most confidential projects. Excel in turning disorganized environments into smooth-running operations and overhauling professional processes to improve accuracy. Efficient self-starter and quick learner who always wants to learn. As a teacher caring for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), I developed lots of new skills to care for young children with disabilities in communication, learning disabilities, self-care, literacy, planning, and organizing. I’m highly motivated, work well as part of a team, and have a caring personality with some excellent work experience gained by working with persons with disabilities. I’m now looking forward to working in a higher institution of learning as a trainer of trainers.


Henry Abraham

Patron/Special Advisor

Henry Abraham is a social entrepreneur based in Ghana, where he has lived for the last decade.
Henry is married to Jane, who has extensive experience supporting people with intellectual disabilities to live fuller and more self-determined lives, and they have three adult children.
Henry holds a Master’s Degree (with distinction) in Strategy and Leadership from London Business School. He also holds a first degree in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge.
Henry's experience includes leading transport and economic development for the London government and being the Strategy and Appraisal Manager at Transport for London.
Henry was Chair of Trustees for the UK charity Siblings Together, the leading national voice for looking after children separated from their brothers and sisters there.
Henry is the founder and Managing Director of HJA Africa, which is a social enterprise working to make big improvements for African farmers by providing a game-changing organic agricultural input.  He is also the Board Chairman for Boomers, a fast-growing social enterprise based in rural Ghana and manufacturing high-quality bamboo bicycles for export. Henry is a Director of Miro Forestry Ghana, a commercial sustainable forestry company that has planted more than ten thousand hectares of trees in Ghana.


Jane Abraham

Patron/Special Advisor

Jane is acknowledged as an expert in her field with exposure on a national and global scale. She has won multiple awards for her innovative approach to health, inclusion, and well-being at work programs. She has an impressive background in this field including working in a senior strategic post for the UK Government, a proven track record in high-quality practical delivery, and leading a large behavior change and innovative digital solution project for SMEs. She also works with academic institutes on a broad range of global research programs on engaging SMEs, inclusive workplaces, and the health and well-being of working-age people. She is a regular contributor to publications on this topic.
Jane is a senior lecturer on health, inclusion, and wellbeing at work and is a policy advisor and SME business engagement specialist.
As a consultant, Jane uses her extensive knowledge to help equip organizations and senior managers with the knowledge, support, and tools to create a comprehensive corporate well-being and inclusion strategy that is joined-up, needs-driven, and fact-based. This clear plan for the future will help build internal capacity for sustainability and success within the organization and will allow them to prioritize their resources align their culture and employee well-being with their strategic objectives and mitigate against future risk.
She sits on several peer review and expert advisory boards and is an Associate Research Fellow with the University of Exeter Medical School.


Grace Mends

Self Advocate

Grace Mends is a Person living with Intellectual and Developmental Disability.

She is a Self-Advocate and loves to create awareness of Stigmatization and also advocate for other intellectually disabled.

She has skills in baking and loves to make herself available to teach other people in SAPID Ghana who are interested in learning baking skills. She has a very pleasant way of leading teams.

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Grace Richardson


Grace Richardson

Board Of Directors: Meet the Team
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